Lisa Schklar

Lisa Schklar

Meet Lisa Schklar, the director of Pilates North and a recognized expert in functional movement. With over 25 years of experience and more than 50,000 hours of hands-on teaching, Lisa excels in diagnosing and addressing movement dysfunctions. Her deep understanding of body mechanics and empathetic approach make her a standout in the field of core stability training.

History and Evolution

Early in her career, Lisa realized that traditional Pilates exercises often fell short and, in some cases, even worsened clients’ conditions. This sparked a desire to understand why these methods were failing. Through extensive research, training, and experience, Lisa developed The Pilates North® system by integrating principles from various movement methodologies—including core stability training, neuroplasticity, dynamic movement, resistance training, and flexibility. By developing her own postural protocols, Lisa’s methodology considers both the assessment and treatment of structural concerns through movement and bodywork. This comprehensive approach facilitates lasting improvements in posture and movement quality. Suitable for all fitness levels, it offers challenging yet safe workouts that evolve as clients progress and new research emerges

Expertise and Clientele

Lisa is the go-to expert for professional athletes seeking to restructure their movement patterns to prevent injury and optimize performance. She is referred to by and works alongside top sports medicine doctors, athletic trainers, athletic therapists, surgeons, and physiotherapists. Her diverse clientele includes NHL players, Olympic figure skaters, professional tennis players, media personalities, and individuals with various fitness and rehabilitation needs. Often called the “body reader,” Lisa excels in quickly assessing and transforming the most challenging cases. Her system is taught to hundreds of clients each week through the studio’s class offerings, all based on her carefully developed syllabus. The studio has a loyal following of clients who benefit from these accessible classes, and she continues to see professional athletes and other high-profile clients for personalized sessions.

Instructor Training

In response to high demand, Lisa began training students in the Pilates North methodology and has inspired over 30 clients to become certified instructors. Since 2012, the Pilates North Comprehensive Certification has aimed to reshape Pilates instruction, reworking exercises and philosophies to work effectively for all body types. The studio is staffed with instructors who embody Lisa’s philosophy, delivering exceptional workouts to thousands of satisfied clients. Their empathy and dedication are integral to the studio’s success and reputation.

Pilates North continues to inspire and transform lives through a supportive community. Lisa’s vision of a welcoming and inclusive studio, where everyone can achieve their fitness goals, remains at the heart of Pilates North’s success

Appointment Request

Media Inquiries

Please contact us at: 905-882-1442 or email


September 2025 Pilates North Certification Program applications.